Alec is part of the “next generation” of Altonens on the farm. He had the smarts to earn a degree in Food Systems Management from Michigan State. He can often be found helping out on the farm when he’s not on some adventure around the world. Quick with a smile and always eager to help, he’s typically the one sent to represent Townline at various festivals and events.
Sandra is the current matriarch of the Altonen Family. She’s the wife of John; the mother of Tony, Gene, Brian and Jason and the grandmother of 10. She has a quick wit and is passionate about produce (and politics) and is one of the major reasons why the Altonen farm markets sell only top-quality fruits and vegetables. She wouldn’t have it any other way.
Efigenia is our long-time, beloved farm market manager. Her effervescent personality quickly earned her the nickname, Giggles, and anyone who meets her can see why. She and her family have worked for Altonen Orchards for over 20 years. The customers love Efi and she runs the farm markets with ease, grace, and huge smile on her face.
Elise is part of the “next generation” of Altonens on the farm. She’s the animal and nature loving daughter of Brian and Kristie. She’s also freshman at Northern Michigan University and thoroughly enjoying what the UP has to offer. She’s mostly sweet with a teeny bit of sass… just like the cider that carries her name.
Ann is the daughter of Neil and Julia and sister to John. Ann was elected “Winter Queen” when she was a high schooler in Elk Rapids which was the inspiration for the cider bearing her name. Much of Ann’s life and work has been in Chicago. A nurse by trade, Ann is also an ardent animal advocate and had authored a couple of children’s books. Ann has a small farm in Eastport and tries to get “up north” whenever she can.
John is the current patriarch of the Altonen family. He’s the husband of Sandra; the father of Tony, Gene, Brian and Jason and the grandpa of 10. As a young man living on the farm, John kept horses - even riding one to Elk Rapids to go to the movies! Although he’s almost 79 years old, no one would ever know it based on how hard he works. He shows up at the farm every day and sets the tone for dedication to farm and family. In his off-time he likes to fish, fix things, and search for deals on Craigslist.
Jason is the son of John and Sandra; the husband of Diana; and the father of Carson, Cole and Cameron. As a young man, Jason was known for his love of speed and could often be found zipping around on dirt bikes and snowmobiles. He works on the farm full-time and in his off time, he can be found boating, watching hockey, and, you guessed it – snowmobiling.